Glenorchy City

Where Ideas Happen

Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

The information contained in this website is from Glenorchy City Council, it does not cover assets from other utilities or agencies, with the exception of redundant town gas.

Important Information for Users

Please read and understand all the information and disclaimers below.


To the extent permitted by law, the material on this website is supplied as-is, and Glenorchy City Council makes not warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to the material including but not limited to, all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable.


While Glenorchy City Council strives to ensure the accuracy of all material published on this website, it is based on the information that was available at the time of publication. Glenorchy City Council reserves the right to change this material at any time, without notice to you, and Glenorchy City Council is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information stored by a user.


To the extent possible under law, Glenorchy City Council will not accept liability in relation to quality or accuracy of any material on this website.

Third Party Material

Some of the material displayed on this site is provided by third parties, Glenorchy City Council takes no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of any of this information.


All material on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence, with the exception of:


Further Assistance

Further assistance can be obtained by calling the Glenorchy City Council on (03) 6216 6800, or visit the Council’s website at